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I am trying to make components for a project I am doing. I am using the desktop app on a Mac. I wanted to edit some of the master components and I am not able to do so. I contacted the help and this is what thy say.

You can go to the main component from any instance.

  1. Select an instance in the current file.

  2. Open the Design tab in the right sidebar.

  3. In the Instance section, click the icon.

I do not see an instance section anywhere. I donโ€™t understand what is wrong. Help.

Figma โ€“ 7 Jul 21

The element in your file is the main component. Pay attention to its icon (4 diamonds). You can edit it as you like.

A copy of this component is called an instance (its icon is an outline diamond).

Yes I know that. However I wanted to make a change to the area the text is to allow for more room for longer words. Should the area for the text be auto layout? The file I sent is part of a larger component that is the bottom icons bar.

What I did is I created another component that has wider text. Then I detached the components in the bottom icons bar and swapped instances and the clicked on the diamond with the arrow in it, reset component. I thought that editing the main component would be better as why add more components if changing the original is possible.

If thatโ€™s wrong what I did then, then let me know. Thanks๐Ÿ˜Š

I wish someone would give a course in best practices and organization.

If you think Auto Layout is essential, why not add it?

In fact, you can do as you like. Just look at how laborious it is, and if you know how you can improve it, optimize it. You can also look at Community files, such as design systems, to see how they are organized.



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