Hello! I am a new convert from Adobe XD to Figma, and I’ve run into a couple things that I think should be possible but I have not been able to achieve them.
My app will have several little buttons that have the following parts:
- Background color
- Icon
- Text
Upon tapping each button, the following should happen (within the button):
- Background color changes to OFF state
- Icon changes to OFF
- Icon color changes to OFF
My goal is to create a component where the icon can be instance swapped, and that swap is reflected when the component is interacted with.
I’ve created a link here that illustrates my problem: https://www.figma.com/file/ZuT92N4vVhZeYcYZUpes0g/Instance-Swap-Prototype-Example?node-id=0%3A1
Thanks for your help!