If you’re an administrator of the account you can go into Settings on your dashboard and select which Library will be the default one for all new files. If your designers are duplicating a template file instead of creating new files, the copies of the template will keep whatever Library is set for the original.
Thanks for this! I am the admin for our account and have updated my library settings to have some libraries on all the time, and some off, but I find that this is not respected in my Figma files - I still have to turn on/off libraries manually for each file.
Does anyone know how to fix this, or is this a Figma bug?
Hi Fernando, thank you. Appreciate the response. It does seem like a workaround for what I think (IMHO) should be a straight forward setting. If we create a library, there should be the option to have those colors be the default in new and duplicated files. I’m not sure what the value of document colors being the default is.
@Derek_Larson I believe this is due to the fact that in free plan you can’t publish libraries that affect all projects
@Design31 This setting will not apply to your existing files, only to new ones as I stated before. You will have to toggle the libraries on old files manually.
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