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Is there a way to default Figma colors to a design system and not the Document Colors? We’re trying to implement a design system including its colors, but the designers have to remember to switch to the design system colors because ‘Document Colors’ is defaulted.

Not the biggest problem in the world but annoying.

If you’re an administrator of the account you can go into Settings on your dashboard and select which Library will be the default one for all new files. If your designers are duplicating a template file instead of creating new files, the copies of the template will keep whatever Library is set for the original.

Thanks for this! I am the admin for our account and have updated my library settings to have some libraries on all the time, and some off, but I find that this is not respected in my Figma files - I still have to turn on/off libraries manually for each file.

Does anyone know how to fix this, or is this a Figma bug?

Hi Fernando, thank you. Appreciate the response. It does seem like a workaround for what I think (IMHO) should be a straight forward setting. If we create a library, there should be the option to have those colors be the default in new and duplicated files. I’m not sure what the value of document colors being the default is.

@Derek_Larson I believe this is due to the fact that in free plan you can’t publish libraries that affect all projects

@Design31 This setting will not apply to your existing files, only to new ones as I stated before. You will have to toggle the libraries on old files manually.

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