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I’m pretty new at all of this and working on a project for a class. After replicating action for action everything in a tutorial video, I can’t figure out why my accordion isn’t working. I’m meant to have four different tabs for product details, and am starting with the product summary. When I copy and paste it, as shown in the video I’m watching, the interactivity doesn’t follow.

Figma – 17 May 23

Everything is listed under the Accordion section.

Thanks for any and all help!

The instance of the accordion component you have in Frame 23 doesn’t have the property listed (“Property 1”). It’s also been renamed with “/Variant3” which doesn’t exist.

If you inspect the instance “Accordion 1/Variant3” and hover the component icon, it says “Component missing”.

The “copy and paste” part might be how this broke. Can you just drag the local component into Frame 23 from the Assets panel? Or copy and paste the entire “Default” variant from within the main component.

Dragging it worked. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond!

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