Did I just dream it ??
I started using figma, again, long long time ago I gived a try, tested few apps back them (now disappeared most probably) and forgot about it. Now back to track.
First of all, to explain what I try to achieve, my setup: Windows computer, Android Tablet, Iphone/Android phone. And looking for fast prototyping apps flow.
The ideal will be to build the frame esqueleton and basic design of each frame on computer and rework, pencil-wise, of the tablets (probably by different member), usually we do this process “on paper”:
- cutting cards and placing on the tablet = “computer work”
- drawing/writing each card with colourful markers = “tablet work”
- reviewing the card - mirror / play the prototype in mobile
is that possible / feasible in figma ??
I can come to see how I can hand-draw into the frames in fast and nice way neither in the Android app, neither in the windows app.