Hi, my goals is to add a youtube video onto a page in Figma so that when I demo to my audience, I can actually play the video in place on the page.
I can’t find a way to do it without a plugin, so I added Anima plugin. I then placed video by adding the Youtube URL into the plug for Anima. It’s defined, but never plays.
If I click “Preview in Browser” the video plays oversize, but it’s not in place on the page, it just opens a separate window to play the video. I want to demo the site, see the video embed and click it to show my audience that it plays there.
What am I missing?
Also, some Anima directions say goto “plugins” menu but there isn’t one. I have Layers and Assets and that’s it.
What am I missing? Where is Plugins?
Can Anima coexist with PitchDeck? Maybe that’s the problem, I tried installing both. My goal is really just to be able to play a video during the prototype demo.