Hello, I am new to Figma and using it with its desktop app on windows 10. I was working with Frames and got an error.
I was making user flows with some general shapes including rectangles, circles, lines, and got short of space on my main frame (artboard). When I tried to increase the size of the artboard(by selecting it from its name), I found that all my components were moving along with it. I searched for solutions online and found that if we keep Ctrl (Control on Windows) pressed and the resize the artboard will resize only and all other components will go untouched. But when I did that my problem was still there and I was not able to resize the artboard only.
Please help me. I even created a new artboard, with more size, and pasted all components on that, this temporarily solved my problem but the actual problem is still there. So is there any way we can resize the artboard only and not the components with it?
Please note that there is no constraints option showing when it comes to the artboard.