I have created a QWERTY keyboard component that is made from a separate Button component simulating a Button press. All Buttons effectively inherit the Button component that is embedded in the QWERTY keyboard component. Basically a component made up of components. The Button component has 2 variants, Button up and Button down and the transition I have used between the each variant is mouse down and mouse up.

When I insert the QWERTY Keyboard asset into a frame and then try and extend the event to transition to a different frame i.e. OnClick say the enter button it doesn’t transition. Trying other transitions like hover over seem to work but that is not the behaviour I want. My question therefore, is there an event inheritance problem between embedded components within a “master” component.
Basically, I am I trying to simulate the behaviour of a keyboard with mouse down/up and then an actual transition to another board is trapped using the On Click trigger. Is what I am trying to do possible?