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Why cant I see the new UI3 updates yet?


Why cant I see the new UI3 updates yet? I cant continue with my class cause some of my students already have access to the New UI3

Best answer by dvaliao

Hey @Irene_Lozano, thank you for reaching out and expressing interest in UI3!

We are excited to share that we will be rolling out UI3 to all users in October.

Once you’ve been granted access to UI3, you’ll see a modal in Figma inviting you to explore the redesigned UI. You will also receive a confirmation email.

If you’re concerned you might have missed the onboarding, simply click on the “?” in the lower right-hand corner, to bring up “Help and resources.” Here, look for the option “Use new UI (in beta).” If it’s not there yet, your access is coming soon.

Make sure to keep an eye on our Help Center to stay up to date with the latest developments!

We appreciate your patience and excitement as we work to enhance your experience with Figma.

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27 replies

  • New Member
  • 8 replies
  • July 15, 2024

SImilar situation here, I was doing training with the rest of my team and some of them have the new UI while I do not. They were confused on where to find things and I couldn’t help.

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • July 17, 2024

Hi there – sorry for any confusion here please check this post below for the updates. Hope this clarifies! :

  • 1 reply
  • July 17, 2024

@Celine_Figma, do you know how I can access the AI design feature because I have the premium version?

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • July 18, 2024

Hey @Asfand1 ! We are thrilled to hear about your interest in the AI beta! We can’t give you an ETA at the moment, but please note that Figma AI will be introduced separately from UI3 going forward and you will receive access to each individually. Once you’ve been granted access, you’ll see a modal in Figma inviting you to explore the latest updates.

Thank you for your patience as we roll out these exciting new updates. Please also make sure to keep an eye on our Help Center to stay up to date with the latest developments!


So strange because l had in my Figma the day it was released then a few days later it disappeared and has not returned since.

It feels like everyone has it but me although l am on a pro plan.

I had it and it was also removed. Pretty frustrating that the team hasn’t come back to me and put me back on the update.

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • July 22, 2024

Hey @Mar_Goldingay , thanks for flagging this. Please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help:
(Please make sure to use your Figma account email. Our support team can investigate it. Thanks!)


You can use a browser extension that enables it in the web app:

  • 9 replies
  • July 24, 2024

Our teams are working towards our goal of ensuring that 100% of our users have access to UI3 in the coming months.

Is this an Adobe arrangement? In the coming month? That sounds terrible. Maybe Apple should do something like that… All with ProMax models get the new iOS first, everyone else in the coming months… Oh Figma team 🙈


Thank you! It works perfectly but still needs the AI.


It might be worth noting that some of us have more than one premium seat, and since not all of our accounts got into the beta, now we have two UIs coexisting in the same app. When I switch between design files, my UI switches back and forth as well. You can imagine how frustrating it can get to have a single software move your tools around constantly.
I don’t think this comment is necessarily constructive, but maybe it helps bring this particular issue to your attention to see if you can help us out.
Thank you!


I’m having to work in UI3 when accessing my clients files and the old UI — is this normal? Are you asking users to swap between two contrasting UI’s when completing work for different customers?

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • August 2, 2024

Hey everyone, while I don’t have any explicit power in this case, I still can understand your frustration! Thanks for sharing your feedback.

UI3 will be granted to individuals on a rolling basis. We are not able to activate it for entire teams simultaneously, but we expect all users to have access over the next few months.

Additionally: please rest assured that all functionality remains consistent across both the old Figma design and UI3. This should ensure that there will be no disruption in your team’s daily operations, even if some members are using different versions.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work towards enhancing your Figma experience.


I got on the waitlist right away, at the same time as some of my colleagues who have gotten access, but I don’t have access yet. Have they finished rolling it out to all who were on the waitlist?

  • 5 replies
  • August 14, 2024

same here. Very frustrating

  • Community Support
  • 4597 replies
  • August 14, 2024

Apologies for the frustration!

While I wish there was more our team here in the community could do, please know that we haven’t finished rolling out UI3 to everyone yet. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

  • 1 reply
  • August 16, 2024

I do not have neither the new UI neither Figma AI?
Strange to announce all those things at the config and then nothing in hands 2 months after. There was a time when config news was available from the start


A friend of mine who does not use Figma even weekly got the updates for the new UI and me here as someone who uses it daily 5-7 hours did not get them. Could we please roll these faster and more logically…


Hi Celine

I wrote to the support team at the time and said they would be rolling it out in the next months. Now it’s been over 6 weeks later and still no sign of the new UI3. I was also told it would be available to everyone before September.


Same, I even onboard new members of design and I’ve still not got it, yet new members of the org who hardly use it have it. MAKES 0 SENSE.

Literally signed up on the day it was announced.

  • New Member
  • 2 replies
  • September 18, 2024

Do we know when the final rollout will happen? As a regular user, it’s frustrating to see that some who don’t use it as much already have access to the new UI, while the rest of us are still waiting. Also, once we do get access, there’s a chance we may prefer the old version. The delay could lead to disappointment if expectations aren’t met.

  • Community Support
  • 4597 replies
  • Answer
  • September 19, 2024

Hey @Irene_Lozano, thank you for reaching out and expressing interest in UI3!

We are excited to share that we will be rolling out UI3 to all users in October.

Once you’ve been granted access to UI3, you’ll see a modal in Figma inviting you to explore the redesigned UI. You will also receive a confirmation email.

If you’re concerned you might have missed the onboarding, simply click on the “?” in the lower right-hand corner, to bring up “Help and resources.” Here, look for the option “Use new UI (in beta).” If it’s not there yet, your access is coming soon.

Make sure to keep an eye on our Help Center to stay up to date with the latest developments!

We appreciate your patience and excitement as we work to enhance your experience with Figma.


I agree with this assessment, where it seems some team members got it while others didn’t and for some reason the non-designer users did? I’m on a small product team and I noticed all my colleagues that aren’t designers (who also use Figma predominately on the web app, don’t know if that influences it) got the update while my designer colleague and I who are in Figma all day every day haven’t gotten the update still. It’s been really frustrating to see their interfaces, to not be able to explore it and just keep waiting.

I look forward to it getting rolled out to everyone in Oct now that I know that, but does that mean Oct 1st I’ll have access or just some time in Oct?

  • Community Support
  • 4597 replies
  • September 25, 2024

Hey @Sarah_Lund1, apologies for the frustration!

Everyone will have UI3 by October 10th.

  • 3 replies
  • September 27, 2024

I understood they actually decided to stop following the waitlist a while ago, and just roll it out “randomly”


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