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Boolean Bug


I don’t know if there’s a bug or if I’m just being stupid, but I’ve created some components to act as buttons. The components are: Email and Password, both of which have variants (default state, hover, and pressed). When the user hovers over a button, it changes its state from default to hover (adds a shadow), and when the user clicks on the button, it changes the state from hover to pressed (adds an inner shadow). It also changes their value from false to true (this value ONLY CHANGES if the user clicks on the button).

I did this on the Log In screen and added a condition to check if the values for Email and Password are true. If they are, then it proceeds to the HOME screen; if not, an overlay pops up with a message. For some reason, this works halfway: sometimes it works fine, and other times I have to reset the prototype.

Anyway, I’ve added THE EXACT SAME LOGIC to other components that I created from scratch, and they just won’t work. They are literally the same type of buttons but with only two states: default and pressed. When pressed, the value of each one changes from false to true. There’s another button that checks if all the buttons have the value set to true, and then proceeds with the operation. But for some reason, it won’t work. Is anyone else having trouble with local boolean variables?

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