We’re excited to announce that interactive components are now out of beta, and available for all Figma editors to use.
In addition, we’ve launched a batch of releases to make it even faster and easier to build and share prototypes:
- Prototype tab shortcut: Use the new shortcut ⇧ Shift + E to toggle between the design and prototype tabs.
- Hiding inherited interactions: We’re making prototypes easier to understand at first glance by hiding interactions“inherited” from main components Want to see details? Just select an object to see all associated interactions. Learn more here.
- Interactions visible for everyone: File viewers can now see and explore interactions on the canvas.
- Disable keyboard navigation in viewer: Disable default keyboard navigation when viewing prototypes for more realistic user testing.
- Copy/paste interactions: You can now copy and paste prototype interactions to further reduce repetitive work.
Check out our blog post for more details on today’s launch. Happy prototyping!