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Jumping to a specific page/frame using a search box


1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this

There is no way to search for a page/frame in a given project. A user should be able to quickly jump to an arbitrary page/frame by typing the page/frame name in a search box. Introducing a “Jump to…” feature similar to Zeplin’s CMD+J would solve this problem.

2. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

Zeplin’s “Jump to”:

52 replies


Great idea 😄

If it helps, while there’s no native feature, you can use the Find & Focus plugin:



It would be awesome to have a way to search for a layer in the layers panel. Currently, you have to hunt and peck for a layer if it is hidden or overlapped by another layer. Having a way to search for a specific layer would help us to find the layer we are looking for quicker. (Sketch has this feature, it’s great)


I can search between pages in chrome browser with CTRL + F shortcut

However, I can’t search on the desktop App on Windows between pages ?

How can I search between pages in the desktop app (Windows) ?

  • 17 replies
  • January 29, 2021

Yes, that would be awesome. And ideally, we could keep the search open and jump to each instance of the layer we are searching for similar to how you can do it in Chrome.

And then the next evolution of this would be to have a better find and replace. Not only do I want to find layers, I often want to replace them with a component.


This is a nice hack that I’ve tried before, but it really does not solve the problem completely. We really need a true “jump to” feature, which implies search, pick, navigate.


Found the plugin that helps you navigate between pages. It works on desktop app too @AlexPrykhodko @Christian


  • 1 reply
  • February 8, 2021

Searching in Miro is also great to use. And for the record, the share Inspect Mode needs it, too! If it can be implemented in the future that would be much ahead of all UX design tools!!


@AlexPrykhodko @Brian_Clay @BorojiDesignInc @Christian @Ben.Ko (not sure if I needed to tag you all but if this is annoying, sorry 😕 )

Just found the exact plugin that does this for you all.


It works exactly as the Miro search experience, and while there’s no native feature, this works pretty well 😃

  • 122 replies
  • February 9, 2021

Or this one :



The problem with plugins is that they run in Editing mode only. All of our engineers have view-only accounts which makes the navigation plugins useless.

Another problem is that there is a mixed success among Figma macOS users when trying to assign keyboard shortcuts to menu items (see Figma plugin shortcuts - Johan Ronsse).

Figma is used with projects that contain hundreds of pages, sometimes thousands of frames. Being able to quickly navigate and search those should be a core feature.


I was looking for this thread~
This feature would be really helpful, especially to quickly navigate between a large amount of components files:

However, my first assumption would be to press CMD+K because of Slack, Discord, Telegram, etc. usage.

  • 5 replies
  • March 4, 2021

I often use this plugin to solve page search problems and it’s great! 🤝


Often I would like to search the contents of a Figma page to find a certain frame or layer, like I would in Sketch (among others). That’s not possible in Figma. It should be. Right now you can only search through your assets, as far as I’m aware.

This seems like a relatively simple feature to add. Please do so!


  • 2 replies
  • March 19, 2021

Using the plugin can solve the problem but it is not a convenient way.

  • Using Plugin: take some steps to open the plugin and wait for it loading
  • Using directly on Figma: easier if we have a search box next to the Pages title, we can just click and enter the page. name

  • 1 reply
  • March 26, 2021

It would be better if we have individual search for the projects.


All of our engineers have view-only accounts which makes the navigation plugins useless.

Yep, ours too. That’s why we’ve built Figma Search browser extension. Give this link to your developers, maybe they will find it useful:

Works with Firefox, Chrome and any Chromium-based browser (Edge, Opera, etc.)

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • April 2, 2021

Yoo this is cool, you should post it in the #plugin-api:show-and-tell category.

  • 1 reply
  • May 6, 2021

That’s really helpful.

  • 2 replies
  • May 27, 2021
  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
    After some time use, our design’s page/layer/fame are so many and so a mess, and I can’t use any search function to search/filter anyone of them. The only way I can do is find them by my eye…

Can you add a search function for page/layer/frame?

That will help our a lot, and I think most of Figma users will like to see it.

By the way, Sketch has this function to find some type of layers.1

  1. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

CleanShot 2021-05-27 at 12.11.02

  1. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation
    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.

  • Active Member
  • 109 replies
  • May 27, 2021

For me the Sketch way is really the best one, combined with a filter by type is such elegant.
I really miss… every day, hummm… no every hour…

Can you please check this related post and vote for it!


Searching by a file’s name is helpful, but It would be fantastic to be able to search WITHIN a file, including pages, artboards and assets.

I have hundreds of files / pages, and thousands of artboards. It’s quite challenging to find the right item at times. Being able to search the artboard or item name would be a huge benefit, as would being able to search text within those pages.

  • New Participant
  • 38 replies
  • June 4, 2021

Same, I have no clue why having a search in a file (layers at least) is so hard. I reported it as a feature a couple of months ago and still no go. But it is so weird because it seems so obvious… Everything in Figma has a search, apart from a file. So weird. I didn’t know how much we depended on the feature.

  • 9 replies
  • June 14, 2021

Funny thing is: there’s already a Search bar in Figma… but it’s in the Assets Tab. 🤦‍♂️



Large, complex pages in Figma are difficult to navigate in terms of finding layers, groups, and frames using the layers panel.

I’m looking for a layer panel filter with typeahead to filter out everything but the layer, frame, group, component that matches the text typed into the filter so that the layer panel is less difficult to navigate.

Does anybody else need to find a specific frame, group, object, component, etc. in the layers panel but instead of quickly locating the thing you’re looking you spend a lot of a time scrolling up and down in the layer panel and/or zooming in and out or panning around the canvas?

I know there was a similar thread last month, but I find it odd that Figma doesn’t have this feature. Sketch has had this for years and it’s a huge help in navigating files created by a large team where you may not have created the file, or the file is older and the page is super complex with tons of layers.

Just a command-f (control-f) to pop the cursor into a search field that would live-filter layers based on the text input. The layers panel would convert to displaying only those that match the search field.


it seems a bit difficult to navigate between the frames when there are a lot of them

Allow search by frame


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