Variable mode resets in prototype mode

I suspect that this is not how variable modes were intended to be used, but it would really simplify my prototype. Would love to hear some on how to enable this from the community, too.

My screen has several strings that are supposed to be dynamic based on navigation. The user should be able to navigate between screens using right/left arrows on the bottom, and these strings would change dynamically.

I was hoping to have one variable per “screen” and use modes as fields. More or less how you would have in a database.

So, on my designed screen in Figma, different text layers are set to different modes:

This way, I only need to set one variable via interactions to potentially change all the strings on the screen.

When I change the “current” presented variable in Design mode, it works as expected.
CleanShot 2024-08-20 at 21.50.05

However, the prototype mode seems to reset the variable mode to default.
CleanShot 2024-08-20 at 22.02.56

Here’s what my interactions are set

Is reset of variable mode the expected behavior? Any ideas on how to achieve what I’m looking for without the need to add each of those columns as a separate variable?