User profile tooltip blocks Design tab

When I move my mouse up to the top right to switch from the Prototype to the Design tab, I invariably mouseover my user profile photo, activating its tooltip, which obscures the Design tab. I often click on the tooltip by mistake and that brings me to the Profile page, which is not where I wanted to go.


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You can quickly toggle between the Design and Prototype tabs using the keyboard shortcut Shift + E.

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When I want to switch back and forth to and from the design to prototype tabs, I sometimes hover slightly above that as I’m moving my mouse. The tool tip from the profile image pops up, covering the tabs. So instead of clicking on the prototype or design tab, it transfers me to my profile page since that is what’s on top.

Does anyone else have this problem? It’s very frustrating because I rarely click on the profile tab but I am constantly switching from design to prototype. This might be a recent change because I only noticed it happening recently.

Screenshot 2022-02-21 082044

OK, thanks for the tip! It sounds more efficient than scrolling up and clicking on the Design tab. Still, it would be nice if original issue were fixed, too.

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Yes, I have the same issue. And while I know and use the Shift + E shortcut, I still end up clicking the profile several times a day, which is quite annoying

The profile icon in the top right corner has a clickable dropdown that blocks the Design and Prototype tabs. I accidentally hover the edge of my avatar triggering the flyout and click that stupid profile link 10x a day while trying to navigate between Design and Prototype. It’s very jarring to be dropped on a different screen than what I was needing to see.

Does that flyout need to be clickable? Seriously. I know who I am and what my avatar looks like. Why is everything so close together? More importantly, why is it so easy to trigger a link THAT BLOCKS ANOTHER LINK?

I’m new and the system says I can’t post anything. Here is a link to a video demo of the problem.

Anyone else have this problem?

Same problem - really frustrating.

Suggestion to Figma: consider switching the tooltip to open upwards instead of downwards :slight_smile:

I do find this issue a bit frustrating. Even though I often use the keyboard shortcut to switch modes, sometimes my mouse is nearby and I naturally swing over to it to click on it instead of using the shortcut. Minor frustration, but easily addressed I hope.

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