Undo function not working on app

Seems as though a few people have had issues with this. It’s a massive pain as I rely on the undo function quite heavily.

Have tried clearing the cache and also reinstalling the desktop app but the issue still persists. When I close and restart the app it works again for a short period, but then maybe after 5 or so minutes the undo function stops working again.

Hoping Figma support sees this as it’s most likely a bug.

Hi there,

Thanks for flagging. I’m asking internally if there is any bug. I will get back to you once I have update that I can share with you.

Thanks for your patience!


Hi @Chris59 ,

Could you share the link to the file where you’re experiencing this issue? Also, could you add support-share@figma.com to the file? Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.

Our team is looking into it, as we haven’t been able to replicate the problem on our end. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


Hej. Has a solution been found to this issue? I’m also having the same issue where undo short-cut doesn’t work on my desktop app (not mac).

Its really a problem as I can undo mistakes.

Unfortunately, we’re unable to replicate the issue at the moment. Could you please share the file link with us, if you are ok? Feel free to send it via direct message on the forum.

You can contact me directly by clicking on “Message” at the top right of the screen in my profile:
