Currently, if you would like to bold part a text using a certain style, you have to create an extra style with a different font-weight, then jump into text styles and pick a bolded one. Things get crazier if we would like italic, underline, strikethrough as well…
Fine. But this is not how coding works (something you’re trying to align to).
Usually*, we can just mark part of a text in styled with only font-weight property.
Something similar is required in Figma with the ability to assign shortcuts so we can easily use i.e. ctrl+B / cmd+B to assign bolded sub-style. Just like all your users work with text in any other software.
Optionally, these could be just pre-made options to pick (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough).
It is not required to create separate text-style for same font-size. There are shortcuts available for text properties. ⌘ B to make bold, ⌘ I to make italic, ⇧ ⌘ X to make strikethrough and ⌘ U to underline text.
I wanted to say - such an action breaks the connection with the design system, but I’ve just checked and it seems they’ve adjusted it! Amazing!
But still, doesn’t solve the issue completely. For instance, stronger text doesn’t have to mean - bold, it can be semibold.
True. There needs to be gui (and maybe shortcuts) to select anything other than just bold without breaking the connection. This breaks so much in my design system right now. Or at least let us define what Figma understands under bold. We use for a very good reason semibold als “bold” in our whole design system. Now we cant use it without creating 160 text styles.