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Styles no longer show full style name



Yesterday color and text styles would always show as “Text color / Primary” etc in the UI. Now it only shows the last name, “Primary”. This means a selection could show many different colors and they are all named “Primary”. Tried restarting Figma, but it did not help. Is this a new feature? Is there a option somewhere to show the entire style name?

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26 replies

  • New Participant
  • 38 replies
  • October 14, 2021

+1, Makes all existing stuff unreadable. Is this intended or temporary/bug?


+1 same happening for text styles. I used to be able to see “Body / left” and now i only get “Ag / left” not able to recognise the style until i open the dropdown. if this is not a bug is pretty annoying imo


Is this a step in the direction of design tokens? If so it would be great with a heads up before it was implemented.

I’ll look into changing my colours to design-tokens tomorrow if this is intended behaviour.


+1, very unhandy

  • 2 replies
  • October 14, 2021

Yeah this is brutal for our design system — for Color Styles (since we relied on those buckets for theming), but especially for how we handle Text Styles. We organized the different weights of our body text styles by size and now the UI is unusable…

For example: rather than seeing “Text M / Regular”, now you only see “Regular”. So you need to open the picker to see what size you’re actually using. Feels like a regression and hoping it’s something that can be rolled back or at least an opt-in setting.

In general, would be amazing to have even just a few days heads up on changes like this, today is going to be brutal answering questions from our team and trying to figure out how/if to address.

  • 1 reply
  • October 14, 2021

+1 Requesting rollback. Devs have to perform multiple clicks to confirm the name of the color & style, not ideal.


Yes! Although I’m not sure about the thinking behind the decision, I would like this to be rolled back as it complicates a lot of categorization.

When selecting multiple objects and trying to use the mixed selection panel to change/update colors, the process becomes more tedious.


Exactly on the same boat!

Not sure if the previous way was the best either since it could be hard to read sometimes as wel but I believe something along these lines would be much better


Nice suggestion!


imagine if the changelogs of Figma actually included a full list of changes. Maybe one day.


+1, We have the same issue with one of our files only.


Text Styles used to show as “Folder Group / Text Style Name” now they just show as “Text Style Name”

The problem with this bug/change is that we typically group our text styles either by font family, or some other alias and when that categorization is removed it’s hard, at a glance, to tell what text style you are actually applying.

For example: In these screenshots we have a text style “Roboto / Thin” which now only shows up as “Thin”. At a glance, I have no idea what family this is and have to click into it to tell, this was never a problem before.

Screen Shot 2021-10-14 at 6.42.05 PM

Screen Shot 2021-10-14 at 6.42.25 PM

  • Author
  • 2 replies
  • October 15, 2021

I made a post about the same thing yesterday. Styles no longer show full style name

  • 144 replies
  • October 15, 2021

Had to read this topic to realize the change, but it’s not welcome! Except if that means design tokens will be better supported, it needs to be rolled back. A better visual management of styles hierarchy would be welcome (more room to display styles names, better visual separation of folders…).

And in general a heads-up before changes is a minimum (don’t get me started on the library-sharing changes that were quietly pushed recently).

  • 1 reply
  • October 15, 2021

Following this thread. This issue is bugging the hell out of me.

  • New Participant
  • 49 replies
  • October 15, 2021

We noticed to and now we have to rename all the styles to make it usable again. I could understand that this could help in some cases. But not if you already used it the other way. For us it’s better to redo this change @anon21722796

  • 144 replies
  • October 15, 2021

In hindsight, it’s the same naming convention as the components (a component instance inserted in a file only displays the last level of the folder hierarchy). There’s some logic to it, and it can make things cleaner, but that means changing previous naming paradigms.


One more confirmation for the Fimga team. This change really confused our entire team and makes it really hard to work with shared text styles. Appreciated if you could explain if this is intended or just a mistake? It also seems impossible to currently change or remove a Text Style from the group it is in. 🤯

  • New Participant
  • 38 replies
  • October 15, 2021

@Josh @anon21722796 anybody? Again, so hard to get in touch…

  • Former Community Manager
  • 1019 replies
  • October 15, 2021

Hey everyone we’ll be reverting this which should go live on Monday. Apologies for the confusion here.


This is a general issue with Figma. We build stuff specifically within the system but then they make a fundamental change that totally breaks the previous one (and it just pops in without any heads up or anything). Dunno, I get that some of this is par for the course but so many instances where I invest tons of time getting things set up and then a few months later have to redo everything to match a change that didn’t take into consideration how much pain it would cause users. But anyways, yea upvote for this - we need a reliable way to both organize AND view styles.


ah, I searched and didn’t find anything, thanks for linking this!

  • Community Support
  • 1603 replies
  • October 19, 2021

Hey everyone! This was reverted yesterday (Monday, October 18), and styles should be back to normal.

We’re keeping this thread open for a while longer, so if you notice any lingering issues related to this, please drop a comment here and let us know.

Appreciate your patience with us 🤗


Looks like my team is in the minority. Including the “category” names in the style name shown in the sidebar is redundant and leads to premature truncation. We were happy with the change and frustrated with the rollback


haha, same here. Sounds like a solution needs to be implemented that caters to both. The way I have categorized colours on my latest project leads to lots of truncation.

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