[SLIDER] Datas in my instance component reset when I close and re-open figma

Hi !

I created a master component “slider” with 3 slides in my design system. The objective is use the instance of this master in templates and edit datas. I can change texts and images on all slide BUT when I close and re-open Figma, all images that are on hide slides, disappear as if hide slides reset themself.

So I would like to have a tips to resolve that problem if it’s possible.

Hey @Morgane4, sorry to hear this is happening!

Please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share it with support-share@figma.com so they can take a closer look.

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