hi there, i have a prototype that stopped working properly and i’m not sure what happened. i have all the interactions set up and yet when i click to present the prototype, it loads as either a single screen that you have to swipe through to see other screens, or as a single page that shows every screen and is not interactive at all. can someone help me figure out what’s going on?
Hi there!
To cover some basics, can you make sure that you have selected the frame before viewing in the prototype view?
As a reminder, the way frames and connections are set up on the canvas impacts how prototypes are played:
- The design must be within a frame in order to Preview or Present.
- If there are prototyping connections, Figma will only display those frames with connections while playing the prototype. Click through each screen or interact with any hotspots.
- If there are no prototyping connections, you can navigate through frames from the current page.
- Set up a flow starting point to determine where the user’s journey should start. You can set up multiple flow starting points.
- For presentation view, set the prototype’s device type, starting point, and background color in the prototype settings.
Once you’ve prepared the prototype for play, select to Preview or Present.
You can have more information in our Help Center articles: Play your prototypes, and to check your interactions set up: Create and manage prototype flows
If this still doesn’t help, can you please share a quick video recording when you try to play your prototypes (please include the whole window, with the properties and layers panels in view and relevant layers expanded, and select any layers you’re having trouble with so we can check any relevant settings), and a copy of your file here?
If you are hesitant to share them publicly, I’d recommend you to reach out to the support team directly: here
Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share it with support-share@figma.com as an Editor, so we can take a closer look. Thank you
thanks for your response! i reviewed your suggestions and made sure everything was set up correctly, but it’s still not working. i recorded a video but am not sure how to share it on this platform, so here’s a link to the file: https://www.figma.com/file/E7zGdi0roPLiDCv95sFSV4/uplift-prototype?type=design&node-id=236%3A1029&mode=design&t=fxcmbAesf5F4F8LH-1 and prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/E7zGdi0roPLiDCv95sFSV4/uplift-prototype?type=design&node-id=236-1029&t=3QliPNQ3JR3BoTDj-1&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=236%3A1029&mode=design
Hi! This looks odd that these workarounds don’t help.
Thanks for the file! Unfortunately, we (community) don’t have access to the Figma file. (Still, I was able to see and reproduce in the prototype file, I can’t also click but I am able to swipe the other screens!). The issue may be a wrong setting in your interactions. To cover some basics, please also have look at this guide: Create interactions.
As recommended, as the workarounds don’t help, I’d like our support team to investigate it further with your Figma file: here
In order to give access to the file for the support team, please include in the form: the URL of the file, and invite support-share@figma.com directly as an Editor (this won’t affect your billing at all) so they can investigate it. You will be also able to share a video recording in the form. Thank you!
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