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Hi Friends,

I am trying to change a component instance when a child component instance (input field in a table) is clicked. (component instance in a component instance)

I would love to use the Click/Change To prototype method, but when I attempt to select the available states from the dropdown, the value always becomes “Default” - even though I can see and click on the other states, including the one I wish to select.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Hey Doug,

Thanks for reaching out to the community! It will be great to have a quick video recording and a copy of your file so we can investigate.

If you are hesitant to share your file here, would you mind reaching out directly to our support team?

We’d love to dig into this a little further and see what might be happening. (Please include your Figma account email, a link to the file, and share it with so they can investigate further.) Thanks!

Hi Celine,

Thank you for your response.

I did find this thread which lead me in the direction of simply attempting to create the link in an alternative manner.

Instance of component cannot change state of parent component - Interactive

Components / Questions - Figma Community Forum

I found that by dragging a prototype link (in the prototyping) mode between the two states to create “Change to” worked for me.

Thanks again.

Thank you for the details Doug, glad you’ve found a fix!
