Problem with preview in the tab bar

Hey. Having this problem with one of my files. In the tab bar on the left it has this black frame, but in drafts there is no any, and all sizes fit the preview scale. What can be the reason? Checked everything and didn’t find any problem.
How it looks in the tab
Press :mag: at the upper right to search.

Hi @themanfromearth616, Thanks for reaching out about this issue and I appreciate you sharing this helpful screenshots!

I tried to reproduce the behavior to gain insights of the couse issue, but I haven’t been able to so far.

Just a quick question - does the frame on the thumbnail have the [Clip content] turned on?

If the frame isn’t cropping properly even with Clip content enabled, you might want to try setting a custom thumbnail for the file. Could you give this a try and see if it helps at all?

We usually suggest a frame size of 1920 x 960, but some users have found that 1600 x 960 works better for displaying everything within the frame properly.
You can find a guide on how to do this in our help center here: Set custom thumbnails for files

Looking forward to hearing from you soon! If I’ve missed anything, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Also, if anyone from our community has any insights or suggestions, please feel free to share them here!

Thanks again for your patience and cooperation.

Hi, what I know: this frame is a black background. In any other file it has an empty space, but in this specific one it’s black. Plus, when I remove thumbnail, the first file frame has a black background too.

I copied the thumbnail to a new file and that’s how it looks like (no black at all)
