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Hi All,

I am trying to use a video file in my Figma prototype. I am using a rectangle(shape) and using the “Fill” option to use the video. After few seconds, it is showing messages “the video can’t be uploaded” and “invalid video removed” and then the video layer disappeared. I am using a .mov having 27.9 MB of size. I tried with different .mp4 videos(with different sizes), but, no luck. Can you please help me identify what could be the issue here? How could this be resolved?

Same here. Do you solve the problem?

Hey there,

This sounds odd as video files in Video in prototypes can be in .mp4, .mov, or .webm format and can be up to 100MB in size. Also, as a reminder, video can only be added to files in a paid Education, Professional, and Organization team. Collaborators on free Starter teams can edit existing video in a file but not upload video to it.

For more information, you can check our help center article: Use videos in prototype

If you can’t share the video here, can you please reach out directly to the support team with a copy of the video so we can take a closer look: here

We can try to replicate. Thanks!
