My page doesn't scroll by default in preview mode

After several years on Sketch I started on Figma and I encountered some difficulties.
I work for TV UI and there isn’t TV frame in 1920x1080 in preset. There is only a frame called “Slide” in 1920x1080. So I use this but when I resize because there is scroll, by default in preview mode, I see the entire screen. In preview mode options, I check " Width - Scale down to fit width" but I would like this view by default, how its possible ?
When I design for phones, if i resize the screen vertically, in preview mode I’ve automatically the phone at real size and I can scroll. So I would like the same thing for TV…

Also, I would like to know if in preview mode, it’s possible to mask the tab bar ? Because, I share my preview on TV to see results, but with the tab bar the screen is distorted, because i lose pixels at the top of the screen, so my fold is lower …

And last question, it’s possible to detach the preview windows ? Because I would like to have my workspace on my main screen and my preview on my split screen…

Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

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