I had not found this problem in my search. The following situation:
I have a desktop UI that opens an overlay via a button (a drawer that slides in from the right). In this overlay is a dropdown. Each entry of this dropdown should display a different overlay.
The dropdown is a component with the following variants:
- Default
- Hover
- Focus (i.e. with opened box where the entries are available for selection)
- Selected
There are only two interactions in the main component: 1. hover and 2. onClick Focus
I now have an instance of this component in another prototype. There I place the interactions on the entries in the box that appears with Focus. However, the interactions do not work. Because in the first overlay the dropdown is set to Default. The interactions are obviously not transferred and the overlays cannot be swapped.
If I leave the dropdown in the focus state (which is not normal behavior in a prototype), the interactions are taken over and I can replace the overlay.
Where is my mistake?
Thank you!