How to make sure a notification is sent to right people after a merged branch


I have a problem that when I’ve approved, merged and published a branch and new components, my front-end developer don’t get any kind of notification of that. How could I make sure they will be notified by Figma (preferably an email but perhaps also a notification on Figma)?

Hey Anna!

There’s three ways here to make your teammate subscribe to merge notifications.

  1. Invite them directly to the branch (I.e add their email in the Share view)
  2. Add them as a reviewer on the Branch Review
  3. Have them subscribe to “All comments” on the branch, in the commenting settings.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have more thoughts or questions about the Beta :pray:

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Thank you Oscar.

I have added the developer as a reviewer (among another designer who approves and merges) but he never got an email.

I will try sharing the branch.

Ohh interesting – thanks for sharing. Might be a bug for that specific notification, I’ll investigate with the team.

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We figured that for now the best way is to forward the email that the Branch owner receives after a merge.

Looking forward to your fix. :slight_smile:

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