November 22, 2024, 3:31am
Hello, how do I apply The Disabled boolean property into each of these variants? Currently when I create a new component property
, it says an error message of ‘Not Used Within Component’.
I cant find a way to apply the created property to variant. Im stuck at this. Thanks!
Try creating a new property, call it “disabled” then type “True” or “False” for the value.
Then clique the dropdown of the property and add “True” or " False" depending on what you’ve added first.
Now you have a true/false property, Figma will autmaticaly consider that a switch.
Add the property to your variant adn try it.
It seems like boolean are only there to hide layers.
If you want your boolean to hide layer go to “layer” and click the thing that look like a square and add your boolean