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Ghost Variables

  • July 2, 2024
  • 1 reply


I’ve had a bad experience these days with variables. I imported components from another design system, and all the work I had done was compromised by phantom variables.

I used all possible plugins, but after several attempts, those variables were still there. Now I have doubts. I redid everything from scratch, and I would say everything is perfect, but with the new functionality of iOS and Material UI kits, a doubt haunts me.

I don’t want their variable change mode, so I’m running tests with various plugins to disconnect everything. The problem is with the frames.

I think it’s all inconvenient. Is there a way to avoid all this?



Before importing any components from another design system, create a new Figma file without any variables or styles. Import your components into this clean file so you can spot any unwanted variables right away.

If you’re already dealing with the mess, use the “Inspect” panel in Figma. Select your problematic component or frame, and check the properties listed there. You might find those phantom variables lurking around. Detach the instance of the component if needed (right-click and choose “Detach Instance”), and manually remove any unwanted variables.

Stick to reliable plugins like “Figma Tokens” or “Remove Styles” to clean up your file.


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