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Is it possible for a child component to be placed with a fixed position when scrolling the page?

I don’t want to have to change menu information on every page individually. I created a component and with ALT I placed it on all pages, but I would like them to be at the top of the entire page, fixed, and not scrollable.

I tried to make a frame and place the component there and then fix it, but it didn’t work. I know that it is just a frame, I can fix it, but what I want is to fix the smart component itself.

I just saw that the problem was that my page was in a general auto layout, and for some reason it was not possible to set a component element in this mode.

When I transformed the entire screen, the page itself into a frame, it worked. Released the “Fixed” option in the prototype tab.

I hope I helped if anyone else has fallen into the same situation as me.
