Filter Layers in Layer list

I was kinda shocked when the ‘web inspired’ Figma had no built-in layer search/filtering.

Some of the things missing from Figma after so long still mystify me — guess I end up assuming it might be a technical limitation in their WebAssembly approach.

…but then, the things that don’t seem to get much support in the community make me wonder, how much the user base might be skewed by the free tier (and maybe so much focus on mobile apps)? :thinking:

Is it really possible a lot of users just aren’t coming up against obstacles the Sketch community dealt with long ago…?

How could basics like spell check, layer search, text search (+ replace), and often really slow plugin performance, still not get attention — are not enough users complaining?

It’s a pity Sketch and XD aren’t more competitive — it feels like Figma needs to feel the pressure a bit more, but their finding mismatch means they just continue to roll over the top of Sketch, which feels like a bit of a pity for the pace of improvement.

…but maybe (probably) I’m just being too impatient! :smile:

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