Does/will Code Connect support multiple code bases per component?

Suppose you have a single designed component in Figma (a Button) which is used by multiple development teams who have implemented the button independently to conform to their existing code bases.

Is or will this be supported by Code Connect so a user in Figma Dev Mode could see the button’s React implementation for CodeBaseX and the other implementation for CodeBaseY? Like in the “React” dropdown (top right of purple box) or something?

Hey Jonathan! We currently support this for different languages, i.e. React + SwiftUI will show as options in dropdown, but don’t yet support two snippets from two different react codebases.

This is in the works however and you can expect an update with this support coming later which will enable you to customize the options in the dropdown to point to various code bases independent of their language / framework.

While you are here, I would love to know how you would like to make use of this functionality. i.e. why does it make sense for your use case to tie two different code bases to a single component? Just want to make sure when we enable this feature that it supports your needs.

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Hi Emil, thanks for your reply. Great to hear that it is in the pipeline.

For us, our use case is that we have a single UX/UI function supporting a large company with many divisions and departments. Therefore, while we have a unified visual language company wide, each product may be developed by separate, siloed divisions who each have their own team of engineers, code requirements, etc.