Creating a connection to a nested frame

@Kyle_Marler Gotcha!

Essentially the feature that you would need is to be able to chain interactions together. It would look something like:

  1. From frame 1 > Click on burger menu. This would be set to “On click” > “Navigate to” > “Menu frame”
  2. From menu frame > Click on “Activities”. This would be set to “On click” > “Navigate to” > “Frame 1” && “Scroll to” > “Activities frame”.

As we can’t do this, for now I think you would need some sort of workaround until we have the ability to chain interactions together.

If it’s purely for demonstrative purposes, you could create a secondary version of your home page purely to show this one interaction working. This is how I would set it up:

This works because you can navigate from one frame to another, and then on the scroll interaction screen have a time delayed “scroll to” waiting to take the user down the page as expected.

Let me know how you get on!