August 6, 2024, 9:50pm
After removing bold/underline styles in our design system (due to the text style override update), we’ve noticed an issue:
In a main component with a non-bold text style:
Apply bold formatting and a text property.
Create an instance.
Changing text via the property panel resets bold formatting.
However, editing text on the canvas preserves the bold weight.
Is this bug being tracked or expected?
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August 22, 2024, 5:06pm
Can someone from Figma file this bug, or please let me know if this is expected? It’s a blocker for us from removing bold text styles in our DS.
August 30, 2024, 4:13pm
An update: I have opened a request with Figma support. They were able to reproduce the problem and have escalated it to the engineering team for further investigation. As soon as they provide an update, I will post it here.
Hi, i’m seeing the exact same issue where using the property panel to edit text in an instance removes underline.