Hey Spectrum users and welcome to our new support forum! 😊
If you missed the update posted in Spectrum, I wanted to recap here just in case.
I’m excited to share with you a new support forum we’ve been building and working on over the past year!
Once logged in be sure to read through the guidelines and code of conduct here: Welcome and Forum Guidelines
and introduce yourself in this thread: 👋 Introduce yourself!
So…. what does this mean for Spectrum?
We have officially redirected Spectrum here to our new support forum. Unfortunately, there’s not a way for us to migrate conversations over (limitation on Spectrum’s end). We will however, be keeping Spectrum in a read only state for as long as possible to help aide in the transition.
Switching platforms comes with its pros and cons, and the process is almost always a little messy. With that being said though, we’ve put in a lot of time and effort in setting up the foundation and are really looking forward to seeing this new forum grow. Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback. 😊
You can also reply directly to this thread with any questions related to Spectrum and this new forum.