Bug: Variables Collection sorting in pickers

I’m back asking about something I don’t understand regarding shared libraries and the logic of the colour picker.

Consider this use case:

I have a Ui library shared called :gem: UI Token

This library has 2 variable collections for colours

  • Core Tokens → All Raw colours (not accessible outside of the library file)
  • :art: UI Core → for UI elements, surface, border, icons, text…
  • :art: UI Extended → Brand, hints and other non common use case

Now I’ve named those collection in such way that when I choose a colour to assign in the picker, the :art: UI Core shows first in the list and :art: UI Extended second.
Like in the screenshot of the Local Colour picker (within :gem: UI Token)

For some reason when you open the same picker in another file the sorting order of the libraries is not the same anymore…

:art: UI Extended is now first and :art: UI Core is second.

I thought maybe sorting is reversed by mistake in shared library colour pickers. So I renamed the :art: UI Core to :art: UI ZZCore to make sure Alphabetically it would display after :art: UI Extended . Well no luck… The library is still not shown first… and I don’t understand what the sorting logic is. I just want the collections to be ordered Alphabetically

Is this a bug or is there something I’m understanding ?