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Hi! In my company, we’re currently working on a calendar feature that we’d like to test in Figma before moving to the development stage. I’m seeking advice because I’ve encountered some issues with variables (as I’m still learning about them). There might be some layer overlap causing the problem. While I’ve asked several colleagues for advice, I believe seeking help in a forum could provide additional insights.


It’s a calendar for archiving purposes, becase the only data available are the dates when episodes were aired on TV, nothing more (yeah, I know!).


The calendar includes two dropdowns:

  • A dropdown for selecting months.

  • A dropdown for selecting years.

  • A layout displaying dates and days.


When clicking on a month, the episodes for that month should be displayed below in the layout. However, when clicking on a year, the month should remain the same, and only the year should change according to the episodes. This functionality works initially, but when navigating between episodes within the feature, it seems that one dropdown becomes disabled at a certain point.

This concept is the result of stakeholder interviews, and I’m still in the process of learning this prototyping method. If you’re interested in helping and willing to assist, I’d be happy to share the file. Just let me know!

Hi, Lucia.

If possible, please share a duplicate file of your prototype. Please make sure that it already have the existing function you initially have so we can identify the issue before making possible solutions on it.

Thank you very much.

Hi! Here is the link for the prototype view. I’ve put a password on it. You can contact me here, and I will send it to you. Thank you for your time!árik_23?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=115-1261&viewport=-259%2C453%2C0.19&t=7scNkLr8sRYO3ENT-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=92%3A375&mode=design
