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Hey, I just made the Variable update and now the Distribution option in Auto Layout disappeared, which prevents me to apply a Space Between distribution to my frame.

Can we avoid this and is this normal ?

You can now switch spacing mode by clicking on the dropdown in the ā€œgapā€ input, and select Auto.

You can also toggle between Auto or packed spacing mode by double clicking on the alignment grid.

Thanks a lot !

is X still a control for this ?

Yes. You can still click the alignment grid and press X to toggle.

THANKS ! I may be wrong, but I have the impression that the Figma documentation is not up to dateā€¦

I find this :

Figma Help Center

If so, how do I get Figma to update their documentation along with the updates

Thank yout, buddy!

Thanks for reporting! Iā€™ll let the team know and update the docs soon.

Where is ā€˜gapā€™ input? Donā€™t see this option when selecting the parent autolayout group where ā€œspace betweenā€ used to live.

Gap is the field to the left of the alignment box.

It used to be called ā€œspacing between itemsā€ but itā€™s been renamed to gap to better align with CSS.
