I’m currently developing a web application, and I’m setting up the web to communicate through REST API once Figma is connected, storing the access token in each user’s database.
Recently, the usage period of the access token has become very short(Like 5 minutes), so the role of the access token integrated through our app with Figma has become almost meaningless.
It was written that the default access token validity period is 90 days on your document, and until recently, I could use the REST API for a long time with the access token stored in the database. Is there any update regarding access token?
My same please access token :
iat: 1714080594,
exp: 1716672594,
1716672594 which means exp date can be converted to Saturday, May 25, 2024 5:29:54 PM GMT-04:00 DST
But I got this 403 message : {"status":403,"err":"Invalid token"}
The test API events are
Those events seems work as soon as the token is generated but it doesn’t work with access token after 5 mins. Especially, regarding GET comment event, it worked partially which means the comments generated after 5 mins since the access token was generated are not retrieved with the API calling. Please take a look at it