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As far as I can tell (and based on other people’s posts), it is not possible to switch between modes via the prototype (e.g., have a button with a Boolean or if/else behavior to switch between modes).

This would be very useful especially when doing UAT since the clients only have view access to prototypes, not the Figma files (and no client wants to do that anyway).

So, they can switch between different views/modes with the click of a button.

I am really curious why this is not a functionality. Prototypes are for other users than the creators, the perspective should have been from the end user’s.

Not sure why aren’t there more upvotes (or a solution already). All I wanted to do today was to hook up the “Set variable mode” action with an if/else on a switch to change between light/dark colors on my prototype.

You can do fairly complex things at the moment. Here is what I got with a single component set. I have four colors and dark mode, works runtime

Check this one out, there is a video where you can see what is possible in action → See typography variable mode on a view-only file - #3 by Pavel_Kiselev
