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Separate aspect ratio of cover thumbnail in main project view


I have a library of cover thumbnails that I use in projects. It looks great when the files are all grouped and shown in the single project view but from the main screen, thumbnails are cut off on the sides and shown in a cropped aspect ratio. I’ve followed the guides from the Figma Docs about safe zone and sizing but it’s kind of disappointing that there is a view that doesn’t play by those rules.

Has anyone found a solution to show the full cover thumbnail in a project container?

26 replies

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • February 1, 2021

Can you show a screenshot so it’s more clear what view exactly you are talking about?


Sure – here’s the view where the thumbnails get cut off:

Here’s how I expect them to look, this is inside a project:

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • February 1, 2021

Got it! In this case I think this would suit more into the #product-ideas category so people can vote for it and raise the issue to the Figma team. Feel free to edit your topic. There are no solutions to this (other than simply changing your thumbnail template so it fits into the smaller preview too).


Ok! I switched the topic. I’ll play around with the sizes, thank you @Gleb for confirming I’m not missing anything.


I suspect the core problem is that the 1600x960 “safe zone” isn’t truly safe. Figma can change their documentation now, even before they decide to make a change in code.


@Nick_Tassone @Alex_Mercado have either of you figured out a template that doesn’t cut off?


The issue seems to be 4:3 thumbnails are used in when showing all projects. But 16:9 thumbnails are used when in a project. So Figma needs to standardise them. I think to 16:9.


the 1600 safe area seems ok when viewing on my 27" LG display, but when the browser is sized down on 13" MBP it’s more closer to the edges. 1440 safe area seems to work when viewing on a 13" mbp

  • 2 replies
  • October 28, 2021

There’s also the problem of ratio for Project’s Pinned files. It’s a square


yeah… I wanna have some nice thumbnails for those pinned projects, too!!

Is there any update on the 3 different cover aspect ratios or a better way to have consitancy between them?

  • 12 replies
  • March 11, 2022

I’d like to use thumbnails to give a quick overview over the projects and files I am working on. With different aspect ratios it is fairly annoying to try and find something that fits all the aspect ratios that is currently used. Would like for you to change it to 16:9 🙂


Any news? This is such an easy fix from what it seems, why hasn’t this been addressed in over a year? 🤕


In our team we have 20+ projects and in all of them except for one project the thumbnail / cover template we use work perfectly, but for some reason in 1 single project, all the thumbnails is cut off the same way as shown in the screenshot from Nick. And this in the same view (team-view). 😵‍💫


We are also facing this issue where the grouped view crops the side of our thumbnails. Would love to see this fixed.

  • New Participant
  • 44 replies
  • May 31, 2023

Also… pinned files thumbnails are showing transparent background now? 😅
Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 12.31.15


So a workaround I’ve come up with is to not set your cover as a thumbnail at all. What I do instead is keep my cover on a dedicated page inside my file. I then set the page color to the color of my cover. Using no padding at all ensures that Figma will still display it in the file previews. And not setting your cover as a thumbnail ensures that Figma will maintain aspect ratio when the window is resized—this will look good both in the file view and the folder view. Tested with 1600x960. Will update if I get better results with other sizes.


Also, Clip content needs to be turned off, so the margins are displayed correctly.

  • New Participant
  • 44 replies
  • June 7, 2023

Thanks! That works in every case EXCEPT for the Pinned project thumbnail which does not display the page colour for some reason (see my screenshot in the previous message!)


You’re right, pinned projects seem unable to display page colours. Tried pinning one myself and the result is the same. What I can make of this is we either accept the fact that thumbnails will be cropped, or stick with not setting thumbnails at all. Otherwise, we can only plan-out the information to be displayed on our thumbnails so that nothing too important gets cut off.

  • New Participant
  • 44 replies
  • June 7, 2023

Or the next Figma update could display thumbnails with one consistent ratio everywhere, no exceptions!


Hope this gets more visibility and maybe we’re getting lucky with the upcoming Config!

  • New Participant
  • 44 replies
  • October 13, 2023

Coming back to see that the issue is still there, with the new Project view, all our Thumbnails are now somehow cropped 🤣… The no padding fix is not working anymore.

  • 2 replies
  • November 19, 2023


This inconsistency also surprised me. I created a file with cover thumbnails guides and templates for multiple size (1920x1080, 1600x960 and 1280x720).

I use 1600x900 for stand-alone cover. The other two when I use the first slide of my presentations as the cover.

I was going to share it with you. But it seems that Figma fixed the problem since. Can you confirm ?


No problem still not fixed, if you use 1920x1080, even with a safe zone of 1800px it will be crop
1600x960 is the ratio i got less problems with…

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