Hi @Ihor2, Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on using straight lines in FigJam. I totally get how being able to choose a connecting point with a straight line would be super useful.
I truly think your idea could be beneficial for many others in our community as well. Votes help us understand what our community is interested in and helps us prioritize our efforts. We can’t wait to see how everyone else feels about your idea!
So, don’t forget to vote for your own idea. And to all our community members who support this, please show your support by voting it up!
Thank you,
Connection lines (CLines) are one of the most important features for Flow charts, and would allow Figma to replace a half dozen programs out there (i.e. from Adobe).
As it stands right now, Nov 2024, as best I can tell (please tell me I’m wrong, I want to learn) the only way to get a Connection Line into a Figma Design is copying it from FigJam
At which point there is partial support from the UI
As a result:
- Lines can connect to edges, SOME TIMES! It fails in really strange way. Mostly forced to the left edge of a given bounding box.
- If the CLine is not straight, it no longer connects to the center, but only the edge
- If you double click on the control bars on the Cline that is curved (path style) it will run it through a formula to dry to clean it up.
All said you can mess with them, and sort of get them to do the right thing.
It appears to me like it was shoved into the code, and there are a dozen places in the code they need to add support for it better. It seems simple, not sure why they are not wrapping that up.
(side note, when I say it seems simple, I’ve designed over 120 consumer products, and invented Disney’s Animation Studio software. I’m not making some flippant statement, I’m literally saying, this is a statemachine for a drawing program, make it draw 🙂 )