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Owners should be able to delete comments


I can’t seem to delete other peoples comments they have left.
I am the creator / owner of the figma file and can only delete my own comments.
Wondering if this is this normal? Why can’t we delete other peoples comments?

The only solution I have found is to copy and paste the frames into a new design file which seems somewhat absurd?

24 replies


I’m using a free account shared with one other person, and can’t resolve my own comments. I click the check icon, then the comment window disappears for a second or two, then the small comment icon appears again. I’m using the latest version of the desktop app.


I face the same problem. though I’m part of an enterprise plan.


Same problem

  • Community Support
  • 4592 replies
  • January 19, 2022

Hey @jan.urbanic and @Rakesh_Arvapalli,

This is the expected behavior right now. Owners can delete their own comments, but only have the option to resolve the comments made by others after you’ve seen them.

I’m going to edit this thread a bit to allow you and others the ability to vote and add their own feedback, so our developers can consider this feature in a future update.

  • 4 replies
  • January 19, 2022

Same here as well. Also cannot resolve other comments.


So my viewer made 3 comments about the same issue since Figma also makes comments disappear/not show/not save (is this a bug that sometimes happen). And now I can’t get rid of them till everyone in my file has viewed those 3 comments?!

  • 1 reply
  • January 21, 2022

This is super annoying. If someone has been invited into a board with edit access they should be grown up enough to be allowed to delete a comment.


Same here, I can not resolve or delete my own or anyone else’s comments, they disappear for 1 sec then they are back. must be a bug?


I just refreshed my tab and can now resolve comments. Thank You!!

  • Figmate
  • 29 replies
  • January 26, 2022

Hi all! Some things I’m hearing:

  • Can’t resolve own comments: “Show resolved comments” might be checked? If not, this definitely sounds like a bug.

  • Comments don’t show: With a recent redesign of comments, comments will now always show on the canvas unless toggled off (shift+c to toggle between the two modes). You no longer have to be in a ‘comment mode’ in order to see comments. My guess here is that you may be in the “Comments hidden” state.


I am the owner of a file and have multiple people as editors.
I was unable to resolve, move, or edit comments in any way.
However, I simply quit Figma and reloaded the file, and it was fixed.
Even comments I had “failed” to resolve had been deleted already when I reloaded the file.

So I suggest force quitting and reloading it. Worked for me.


I have the same issue - I need to be able to delete other people’s comments on the board I created/own.

  • 0 replies
  • March 5, 2022

This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.


I would like to have the possibility to delete others people comments when i’m owner of a file.
Why ?
I try to do some cleanup at the end of projects to make the files lighter, and i’m used to delete all the validate comments.
How ?
Simply add the option “delete the comment” in the dropdown

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 11.27.20

  • 2 replies
  • October 30, 2023

I have the same problem, and this is VERY SERIOUS because someone that tried to scam me on Fiverr is now mad at me, and they are trying to sabotage me and prevent anyone else from working with me by adding terrible comments to my Figma files. (I did not realize the “view only” access means you can ALSO ADD COMMENTS! That is crazy and very MISLEADING! Any “view-only” option should not allow you to do ANYTHING else but LOOK at the document. (Also, in case anyone is wondering, I had the document set so that anyone could “View only” if they had the link – because I posted a proposal trying to find a new developer, and I have several people looking at my new proposal).

  • 2 replies
  • October 30, 2023

FIGMA please fix this!! SO many people have this problem. You can see that 3,000 people have viewed this page, so this is a testament to how often people are trying to figure this out.

We can easily see that we can “resolve” comments on the menu option list – but we ALSO need the option to completely delete comments for multiple reasons as OWNERS. Many people have not voted on this topic because they probably just were not signed in, OR they didn’t realize they could vote on this topic.

Adding this option is not hurting anything, so why not add it? It is actually giving us an additional OPTION that we need as owners managing these files. PLEASE listen to your customers AND HELP US!

Thank you kindly

  • New Member
  • 15 replies
  • February 21, 2024

In need of this

I’d like to bump this feature too… Owners MUST be able to remove comments from other viewers


Hi, very similar as above, I am cleaning out old comments in a massive project and there are dozens of obsolete comments around by a former employee, who accessed the file using her google credentials which means, it is impossible for us to login on their behalf to delete those comments.

Of course, all of the comments are resolved but we would like to get rid of them entirely, pls.

FIGMA file owners should be able to delete everyones comments!



This is sorely needed. I have a previous employee who has made lots of comments in our Figma design. But I have no way of removing these now, and he cannot do it, since he is not part of the organization.

I am the admin, and I should be able to remove these.

  • 1 reply
  • September 27, 2024

@Figma WE NEED THIS ASAP. BECAUSE the only way to delete previous comments that’s left by others, that are not part of the file anymore, is basically duplicating the project:

Which is a PROBLEM because, once we duplicate the file…

  • There is no way to copy paste the component library to new file without losing the existing “links” between design elements and components.
  • So we need to be able to “fully clean” this file. So we can give edit access to others (and they dont see previous comments)

PLS as file owners, let us delete others comments. (There is no Delete Thread option once we click to the 3 dots next to the comment)

Easy fix!


Owner & Editor can delete comments in Figma

Igor Nem
  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • January 31, 2025
UI_Designer2 wrote:

Owner & Editor can delete comments in Figma

I still can’t remove comments of spammers! I shared my design in view mode in community to discuss it and spammers left a comments and I cannot delete it!!! And please make a blacklist or possibility to semd spammer’s comments to Figma’s support to ban them!

  • New Member
  • 15 replies
  • March 21, 2025

After so many years its still not possible to clean up files from comments as a owner. Disappointing.


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