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Pretty simple ask: I want to move a page from one Figma to another. I don’t see a way to do it.

Select All + Cut + Paste is not a good solution as I might have locked objects that don’t come with the copy and there might be properties set on the page (background color, etc.) that I might lose.

+1 Posting in July 2024 and looking for this solution! Getting heavy into design work, and could really use the ability to move entire pages to new or pre-existing design files. It would help a ton with organization and workflow!

The copying of components, prototype flows, comments, etc would be an amazing plus. 🙂

Does anyone from Figma read these? I would also like to reorganize pages.

This actually really easy if you set up your Figma properly like they designed it. Every element should be tied to a frame. If you have all the elements organized to a frame then you simply copy and paste the frames from one file to the next. I

do it everyday for multiple website and print design projects where I want to start a new project from the design I did for another client OR I also do this when I want to share access to select people (like a file for just the client vs a working Figma file for my freelancers).

Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure all your elements are organized into their frames (Figma uses the # symbol in the layers ribbon to signify a frame) like Figma was designed. Think of these as layers in Photoshop. Everything needs to be nicely organized and tied to a frame.

  2. Create a new Figma file by going to the Figma Icon in the top left → File → New Design File. This will open a new tab as a blank Figma File

  3. Go back to the original file and select some or all of the Frames you want to copy. Highlight them via cmmd + click (mac) or ctrl + click (pc). Right click to copy or cmmd + c (mac) or ctrl + c (pc)

  4. Go to the new file. Click anywhere and paste by right clicking to paste or cmmd + p (mac) or ctrl + p (pc)

  5. You have all the elements in the same frames and locations in the new file exactly as the previous

Important to note - You cannot do this for pages. However, it takes 2 additional seconds. Simply create all the pages in the new Figma file like you have in the original file and follow the same steps above by copying and pasting each frame per page you want to duplicate over. If you have everything grouped per frame it will only take you another 2 seconds to do this per page.

Moral of the story - keep your designs organized like Figma (and Adobe) want you to. All design elements should be properly organized in frames then in groups and labeled to make your life easy. This also helps when people need to quickly edit your designs.

I have found this does not copy over the prototype setting nor comments. As seen from previous discussions in this thread. That would be very tricky for the developers to do as it requires complex security settings.

+1 My team also will appreciate this functionality.

At the moment struggling to copy/paste prototypes and flows when approved and published to PROD.

Yes, please. I need to be able to restructure pages within different files with comments (and prototype links). That would be so helpful.

➕ 1️⃣

Function “move page” please, so we get everything, I want the comments to travel with it.

+1 for this feature request

+1 for this feature request yes! Need it!

It’s the second feature I’m searching for (today), that’s being proposed since years ago and still isn’t implemented.

Yet we got floating panels that nobody asked for.

Wow crazy it’s been asked since 2021 and still not there

Well, at least they removed the floating panels. 😅

Agree on this one.

Yes, you can select all and copy/paste, but you are losing valuable comments. 😦


We need to be able to restructure our work, without loosing data

Okay buddy. You clearly only work on little tiny Figma projects or you have a ton of spare time on your hands.

Now try with a file that has 100+ historical pages (from a time before you worked on the project) and use your copy and paste method without making any errors.

Contrast that monumental effortof your proposed “solution” with the ability to shift-click a bunch of pages in the navigator, right-click and say Move To File…

Until the Figma team implements a proper move, there’s an alternate method that can work in certain use cases that’s a lot less tedious and prone to error than copy-pasting individual frames into blank pages on a new doc.

If your goal is to archive pages within a big monolithic file into one or more files, do the following:

  1. From the main file tab, locate the monolithic file you are looking to split up. Right-click and duplicate that file.

  2. Be very explicit in your naming convention so you don’t make mistakes!

  3. Go back to your original file and just start deleting pages you don’t want. You can even shift-click to select many pages and right-click > delete page(s)

  4. Optionally, go to the duplicated (archive) file, and delete the pages that you kept in the old file. Or don’t and keep the duplicated file intact as a “snapshot”.

A couple of other things to think of:

A) Figma has a pretty awesome History feature. If your only goal is to offload drafts, old pages or things from previous sprints, consider making a snapshot of your complete file, and then just delete the pages you no longer want. You can always find them again if you need them for reference or legal purposes by clicking on that snapshot. It’s even possible to copy-paste from an old snapshot into the current version if you need to bring something back!

B) To make the page deletion process less error-prone, consider first re-arranging the page order in the navigator on the original file and create a blank page with “----------” as a file name to use as a separator between the files you want to keep and those you wish to archive. That way, when you follow my steps above, you can just shift-click the files and delete in one shot.

Alternatively, wait until Figma implements this feature. Could be a while - they need to get to that horizontal scrollbar on the Layers panel first!!!

you must be a joy to work with. This has worked for me for several 100+ page designs. We’ve designed and launched websites for Fortune 100 brands. My comment was a hopeful solution for the short-term. I agree, Figma should be working on making this better, but hopefully my comment has helped others.

Before making negative comments, maybe take a break, go outside, have fun in life. No need to be negative. Waste of your time and not helpful to the discussion. I hope you find some happiness in your life.

Fair points. Sorry for dumping.

+1 for this feature request

Pinging to keep alive

They’ve finally done that one! Maybe we’ll actually get to see this one done now.

I’m still missing this feature, especially with spring cleaning just around the corner 😀

+1 pleeease, we need this feature


Reaching out to suggest this feature. I would like to be able to move pages to another file. As a surplus the comments made on that page would move as well.


+1 for this feature request!
