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It will be great if the file owner can set viewer rights when we share file with others.

The viewer rights can include:

  • Restrict file downloading on demand

  • Restrict copy on demand

  • Restrict share on demand

I want to give my clients access to download assets like images from my Figma documents and at the same time restrict them from duplicating my original Figma file as this will give them access to privileged knowledge, something that took me years to have. Why not have checkboxes on the “Allow viewers to” panel with the:

  1. Copy

  2. Share

  3. Export

    so that I can choose what the client can have access to.

    Currently, once I check that option, it’s like the client has bought a Coke and they are also given the secret recipe as well, which isn’t fair/doesn’t protect me as a designer.

    I would like to keep my original work / keep my rights to my work while giving them access to the files they need to develop their product.

Hi Inno! Thanks for your feedback on viewer right settings. I merged your topic with a similar so we can gauge the overall interest in the same place.

We’ll pass it along to our team for consideration. 🙂

Can’t agree with you anymore. I had experience where I shared my Figma document with the viewer and they ended up downloading my entire file, this really creates concerns for me… good to know someone else is sharing the same feeling!

If Figma respected designer rights they would never allow a viewer to download the file. How is this not front of mind for Figma? We need to protect our files. While working with a client they get the final files once they are all paid up. This allows them just to take them throughout the process. We don’t have a way to protect ourselves. Please tell me there is a workaround for this. This shouldn’t be something that needs to be upvoted in order to do the right thing.

Hey everyone,

To give you an update, in the Paid plan (Professional, Organization, and Enterprise plans), you can decide if people with view access can copy, share, or export from the file! 🥳

If you disable this setting, people with can view access can’t:

  • Copy frames, layers, or text from the canvas

  • Duplicate the file to their account

  • Export any assets from the file

  • Save a local copy of the file (as a **.**fig file)

Figma will apply this restriction to everyone with can view access to the file. This includes people who were added to the file via link sharing.

You can only prevent people with view access from copying and sharing in team files. It’s not possible to prevent copying and sharing for files in your drafts.

(As a reminder, by default, anyone with can view access to the file will be able to copy and share the file and its contents.)

To do it, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the Share button from the file.

  2. Click Can view/Can edit next to the file access and permissions settings to open the Share settings.

  3. Toggle the Viewers can copy, share, and export from this file setting.

For all the information, you can check our Help Center article: here

UPDATE: With the changes in Drafts, users with a paid seat can now also restrict viewers in Drafts.

(For example: if you have a paid seat for that file type and you’re in drafts of a Professional, Organization or Enterprise team).

More information on how drafts work:

Hi Celine.

I just stumbled across this option organically in Figma so I Googled it and came across this post to see that you announced it a little over a week ago. I’m having an issue where I can’t get the option to stay turned on for a couple files. I have a couple libraries where this is off by default (all the other libraries that I’ve looked at had it on by default) and when I check the box to turn it on and save the settings, going back to the share settings shows that it’s off again. No matter what I do I can’t seem to get the setting to stick. Any idea what’s going on?

Edit: attaching a screen recording:

hey @ScottOlsen ,

Thanks for flagging this. I can’t replicate on my end. Can you try to clear out the cache and force-quit to see if that helps? You can follow the steps in this article.

Is it happening on browser, desktop app or both?

If it doesn’t help, please reach out to the support team here so they can investigate it further: here

Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include link to the file in question, and share access with as an Editor. Please also include your video recording. (Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.) Thank you!

Hi ​@Celine_D ,

I really appreciate this feature, as it enhances security for our assets and solutions, which management values. However, the current grouping of the ‘Copy,’ ‘Share,’ and ‘Download’ options is causing some workflow challenges.

Right now, this setup prevents project managers from downloading frames for stakeholder presentations and developers from accessing assets they need. Separating these options would allow for better control while maintaining security.

Would it be possible to adjust this to ensure smoother workflows for different roles?

