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it’s different from just using history. we are working on a file that was ongoing for years, some of the frames are old, some are new. we want to see what is the age of each screen to understand the timeline of our work. we could scroll back in time and see, but then we would had to jump between times, trying to discover and guess when a screen was created, rather then the possibility of just clicking on it and see the date of the creation

Hey @Hadar_Flaxer, thank you for sharing this suggestion!

I can see how having a quick way to view the “age” of each frame would make it much easier to track the timeline of your project. Being able to see the creation date of a frame at a glance would save a lot of time and effort.

I’ll make sure to pass this feedback along to the team for consideration. Feel free to upvote it and and additional feedback from the community help us prioritize ideas.

Thank you again for sharing your feedback!
