Yes! I definitely think this would help a lot.
I would recommend sharing this on the FoF Slack workspace, where you can garner more support!
I would love to see this expanded into the branching user approval process as well. If we had user groups we could have group reviewers which would be extremely useful when needing to have any one from a specialized area like a Design Systems team review and approve your changes.
I work on a team of about 30 designers (let’s call it Team ABC) within our organization (ORG) of about 350. Team ABC is divided into several sub-teams.
We’ve created many Figma ‘teams’ which are only meant for Team ABC and this requires the owner of said ‘teams’ to invite members of Team ABC individually.
That’s tedious and time-consuming.
It’d be great if we could organize members of the ORG into teams or groups, so that when inviting members to a a team, project, or even a file, we could search for a group of members instead of just individually.
I made a mockup illustrating what I mean. Enjoy.
Is anyone experiencing this same issue? Does anyone have a workaround or solution?
When sharing a project with new collaborators, it seems like we have to add them individually. As an Admin in my Figma account, i would like to create groups of members so when I have to share a project I just type the name of the group instead of their emails individually (considering guests members too).
Would love to hear other thoughts on this too. Thanks for reading!
Yes, yes and yes!
Moreover, lets say you want to grant the same permissions from file A to file B:
There is no way to get an usable list of users from file A in order to copy/paste them onto file B.
(As a teacher,) I would like to edit permission in bulk, so I can withdraw edit rights of my students after the deadline has passed, and give edit rights again after the grades are in so they can prepare for retakes.
Hi @Nymphaea ,
Others in the community have requested something similar (here by creating groups of members, in order not to manage members individually). I merged it so it will be easier to gauge the overall interest in the community.
Yes, I can see how that would be helping me (as a teacher) to keep a class together as one entity and addressing (and managing their rights) together.
Two years in…
Is there an update already on this feature?
Our issue is that there are so many different roles across the org and we work in multiple teams within Figma. It’s not just designers we manage access for, there are various groups of clients, partners, and stakeholders. It’s really difficult when you have a long list of users and don’t know which group they belong to, or if only some people from those groups are missing from the members list
It really would be easier to manage access using groups as soon as your org reaches more than a couple dozen people.