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It would be great if dev could export without rounded corners applied and or have some export flexibilities

Hey @Jason_Kyle, thank you for your feedback! I’ve just shared this internally with the team for consideration.

Community members can share their interest and vote for this feature request. Stay tuned for future updates!

Thank you,


Hey @Jason_Kyle, our team would love to hear more information on your feedback.

Can you tell us what you mean when you say without rounded corners? Like if the frame/rectangle has a corner radius?

Thanks in advance!

We also need this. I believe they are referring to if a frame has rounded edges or a stroke. A developer will add this in via css and not want this included directly into the image.

Agreed. It’s very painful to have to go an unset all the rounded corners and borders on images to export them without.

We need this too. Rounded corners and strokes are often added using css. I need the developer to be able to download the original rectangular image.

Currently I need to create a duplicate of every single image without a stroke or rounded corners for the development team. It’s really unnecessary busywork.

Yes! We need this too. Devs do not want images that have rounded corners. They want to round the corners with CSS. It’s so tedious to export images with square corners for devs! We often build in component bools or variants to easily accommodate turning the rounded corners on/off. It would be so much better if this was just something that could be managed in the export options–even if it was only in the dev mode options.

I would like it if you could go even further than this, often if there’s a border, rounded corners, overlay etc, we want to do this in CSS rather than all the images having to be styled before being uploaded to a site.

At the moment in the editor you can export the original asset which is often a huge file or the fully styled file.

What would be great is an in-between, that allows you to export the image cropped to the rectangle at the correct size (with the 2x options ect) but without any additional styles applied

The dev team would be much appreciated if this was possible

I need this feature as my clients would like to prep the images used in their prototypes but all the images now have the rounded corners even though it’s done in CSS.
