Another nice addition would be to connect your FigJam files with related Figma files. So as not to rely on file naming. Creating links between the two would allow for easier navigation and discovery from others in the team.
You could contain all the research, user flows, documentation, etc. AND the design all in one file as separate pages. This would allow for a neatly packaged deliverable and would also show the evolution of whatever you’re working on from start to finish.
I’m using FIGJAM to do ideation sessions and using the design file to make prototypes and felt the need to have a FIGJAM file associated/linked to a Design file to easily find. So I’ll do like to suggest it 🙂
Linking the two would be amazing!
Although I see the reason for them being separate files. Managing permission would be a nightmare.
I simply need to be able to reference a FigJam file in a design file. So when it comes review, handoff and even archiving we can link the relevant FigJam sessions, like storyboarding, user flows, brainstorming, etc. etc.
This is my #1 most wanted FigJam feature
This should just be the same app. a Switch to FigJam Mode… or just advanced embedding between the two are in dire need. Have a look at Miro which has superior figma integration and so many other features that FigJam needs.
Figma itself still needs border left / right /. top / bottom and a myriad of other features as well.
I think it would be nice to have Fig Jam as a page selection in projects.
For example My team would like to use fig jam to research and spitball ideas at the beginning of a project then add another page for the Figma board to begin building comps/prototypes. We just want to keep them together.
- We do a lot of documentation in Figma pages
- We do a lot of user flows and user journeys in Jams
But we want to present to our stakeholders as one single file -
This basically means we do not want to switch between files when presenting.
We want to show our research, persona and stuff and then show the IA diagram together.
Hope you come up with a solution soon.
PS - We really wish we would have the pen/sketch tool from Jam in Figma - We draw a lot of arrows when brainstorming on designs
We’ve been loving FigJams so far at my company; it’s a fantastic tool to not only brainstorm, but to successfully collaborate across our whole product team! However, for project organization purposes, it would be really helpful to be able to add a FigJam as a page of a regular Figma document so I can keep everything related to one project in one place.
Agreed, we have been copy and pasting into a regualr document after to keep al files in one structure. It would be great if a page could either be a FigJam doc or design doc.
This is a huge differentiator and competitive advantage over a Mural or a Miro.
I assumed this would be a feature right out of the box.
I currently use Miro when I have to explore ideas (drawing flows, sticky notes, listing architecture information…). It sucks that I always have to go back and forth between the two. It actually want to draw and annotate with Jam tools right besides the Figma designs. We already have a prototyping mode, what about a Jam mode so that everything can be in the same file?
Combining Figjam/Figma features into a singular interface would be cool. Maybe one page is a Figma, another page is a Figjam? Maybe you can use the Figjam floating bottom toolbar on a Figma file?
I’d love to be able to export/copy screens into FigJam and the screens would still sync. So if I change something in Figma, the screen would also be automatically be updated.
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Too many separate files! being able to link Figjams to Figma files would be great…perhaps make the figjam a “page” in a figma design file
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Does anyone else experience this or know how to solve this?
It would be very useful to create a FigJam as a page within a file, or somehow embedded.
Currently, I split a file into multiple pages depending on the design phase (Sandbox, last design, flows) and I want to create a FigJam but linked directly in my normal file so as not to lose context.
I know that maybe is not possible but I’m just sending the idea.
Yes please!
Big +1 to being able to embed Figma designs into FigJam.
That’d be a great way to enable focused feedback / reactions / workshopping in a more approachable way (and without modifying the main design file). This could simply be a matter of enabling embeds in FigJam and using the existing embed functionality in Figma.
I feel like this would be a nice addition if we could add the figjam to the pages panel. I currently do a lot of my research in Miro and will add links but those can be overlooked by collaborators. Would be nice to name a page “research” and have it open a Figjam file.
Heavy Heavy +1 on this!
I would love this as well!
As a designer, I’m often in my figma file working on something - and realize I need to step back and do higher level visual thinking where FigJam is the better tool. ie: I realize I’m making too many assumptions, and I should think through the users journey or flow better. I want to be able to just + create fig jam → opens up a related fig jam file → do my diagraming/workflowing → and then it embeds a widget/preview of that file in the original figma file so that I can easily hop back into the fig jam file for reference later.
It’s conceptually like creating a new Dropbox paper document by typing “+document title”. Links ideas, thinking, between documents.
FigJam boards are a great environment to collect research and brainstorm with peers. However, we lose all that convenience and content when we need to create a Figma file to begin the work.
FigJam boards about be a page option in Figma files, so that you can keep all the relevant and arguably most important project information in the same place you will be designing in, not in a separate document.
- Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
I find it a bit distracting to navigates between a design page and a figjam page that belongs to the same project. It’ll be great if users can add figjam pages in design pages… that way, everything from Discivery to Prototyping can be found in a single document …. Consolidated.
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(e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.
Does anyone find it disorienting when you have to look for assets (design file and whiteboard file) belonging to a single project in multiple locations?
Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
I use FigJam sometimes, but it is not well integrated with design files. i need to use link to direct me to figjams…what if FigJam could be a page in design files?
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(e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.
We want to use FigJam for our project.
FigJam is a powerful feature for designers and PMs.
But, it is not good to use because there is no function of Inspect for developers to use.
And since Figma Design File and FigJam are separated, they cannot be managed in one space.
The basic functions found in Figma Design File are also required by FigJam.
We need this feature.
- Ability to add FigJam to Figma Design Page
- Inspect function to see information and values of Component or Instance
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