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I haven’t found this in “coming soon” for variables…

As it works now, a variable can control properties only of the topmost component instance. You have to assign a variable again and again to each instance each time you place it, you can not nest components with variables at all.

    1. As a user I want to be able to assign variable values to nested components so that I can significantly reduce the number of instances of a complex component.

Yup, I really need this as well. Seems counter-intuitive that I’d have to detach an instance to assign variables to the nested instances…

+1 from my side.

+1 from my side as well, I would love to have this feature asap 😉

Cannot tell you how much this, or the lack of, frustrates me. We are like THIS close to tell the component instances to switch to the right variant depending on variant modes!!!

I would like to use a string variable to display which component is currently being utilized with a variant interaction.

I have 100 instances of a component. The component has a property called “Component Name”. When the mouse enters one of these components, I would like the prototype variable to be updated to the instance value of the property.

It would be preferable to define this in the component definition, rather than on each of the 100 instances.

Is it possible currently to create a variant interaction:

  • Mouse Enter

  • Set Variable

  • Variable Target: # Component Name

  • to: Component Name


Hi @Jonathan_Brown, Thanks for reaching out!

I found other community members asking for something similar here.

So I’ve merged your topic with an existing feature request from others in the community to have all the thoughts in one place! Thanks,

any news regarding this?

Hello. What do you mean by “topmost component instance”? I am seeing the ability to set a variable to a component property but only on components I import from another library and not the ones I create locally. I am confused…cheers.

Our team needs the ability of assigning string variables to components text properties.

Now we can’t use variables for localization. Let’s look on buttons as an example:

  • We have button component in our design system file. This button has a text property for its label with a default value “Button label”.

  • This component is shared between all the files in our entire project

  • Of course in all instances of the button the label property is overridden

  • Now I can’t apply string variables to the property at all

  • The only workaround for me to use variables is to delete the text label property in the main component in the design system. But if I delete the property in the main component then all the button instances’ labels in all my files in the entire project will reset to the default value “Button label”. And of course I don’t want to lose all my button labels.

    So for now I don’t see a way to fully localise my files with a variables feature.

Hope to see the ability of assigning string variables to components text properties in the future updates as well as the fix for this “delete text property-> reset to default values” behavior.

This issue is now killing me…it seems the variables don’t work well with having sub-components even at the top level. If you assign a conditional at the top level component, nested components interactions regular behavior also seem to stop working. It’s a total nightmare 😦 It’s almost like we have to go back to not using component interactions to be able to use variables at the moment.

Variables are so limited and yet you already put stuff behind massive paywalls (e.g. 4+ modes). Such a joke.

Really needed! This feature would automate tons of layout mechanics…



Dying here without this feature!


Seems like it would be of great benefit to have the variants (as they are today) but then have the ability to override those variants with variables when creating a prototype.

As it stands now, I am having to break components apart to access the various elements within so that they can be controlled by variables. It’s making a mess of my files and destroying the power of having a component library.

Hey Friends,

I have created a plugin that can help with packaging components and component sets (variants) with variables, and enabling insert of such as component sets, components and instances with variables still attached to their source (global) or cloned as local variables.

Check it out at or just search for the Figvar plugin.



Please support assigning a variable to an exposed property in a component. In Microsoft, components are heavily used in design deliveries between disciplines. An example would be from UX to CX (Writer). Being able to assign a variable to an exposed property in a component, especially when multiple instances are used, dramatically reduces the amount of laborious work to manually update all the instances.

I see that similar requests have been submitted as early as 2022. I was wondering the reason this is not supported. Thank you!

Wasn’t this obvious from the start?!!! It’s been more than 1 year since variables are released and this MUST HAVE feature isn’t available yet? How can it be? And all we get is new UI, which btw makes it harder to access basic features. :///

Agree there – how can it be that a UX/UI tool has bad UX? 🤦‍♂️ is getting worse with each update, not to mention not able to adjust the UI’s scale? I have a 27 inches monitor and still struggle to read the absurdly small font on the Inspector!

+1 for this feature, I use nested components all the time and don’t want to break the dependency

Keeping this idea alive +1
