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Much like sketch, sometimes I just don’t want anything to happen when resizing a Frame/art board. Usually this is a length issue and I just want to drag it down.

Sometimes the user doesn’t want to assign full responsiveness/layout to components/objects at the start.

Not having this can also be harmful to beginners who also have to go figure out all of auto layout/responsiveness. They don’t have the option to work/start without it.

This “adjust content on resize” functionality can be turned off in sketch, Just looking for the same.

It’s also a massive PITA, to go back have to check every object for size/resize because you didn’t even notice/forgot that you resized a few pixels, and now everything is off by 4.6 pixels for example.

The default behaviour should be OFF, as typically users will setup a page/component before getting into responsive/interaction. This way, there’s no accidental sizing issues as mentioned above. This happens in sketch still, because they have resizing ON as the default.

Thanks for the consideration.

To ignore constraints you can hold down the command key while resizing the frame.

Also consider that typically the user is going to setup the page for grid/columns etc… before setting responsiveness, as you’re probably going to play with the component/object. If one use consistent spacing horizontal/vertical (like you should be), then it absolutely can be a PITA to have ON as the default.

Sure, approach it differently, but don’t ignore what users actually do.

Thanks for the consideration

That’s fair. 🙂 We think about frames/components a little differently at Figma (as compared to Sketch), so setting constraints from the start definitely takes some getting used to.

Appreciate the feedback though.

Hey, I just want to resize one or multiple frames to a particular size while entering a value in Width/Height in pixels (or percentage and other math).

Right now what happens is the contents of the frame get resized as well.

I don’t want that to happen.

I also don’t want to Command+drag to resize, because it’s inaccurate.

I want to select 10 frames and click Height in the design panel and set the size as a number (1000 px height).

This is a plain and simple option. It’s so obvious it’s painful that the behaviour is different.

Can you implement this?

That’s one option. But wouldn’t it be great to be able to enter a number for height or width?

@Mark_Levinson @Josh

So how DO you resize MULTIPLE frames at once by entering a number value without stretching the content? I’m used to having that ability in Sketch and would love to know how to do it in Figma! Thanks!

I see now as long as no constraints are set to scale you can resize multiple frames at once without stretching…

Yes absolutely!!! Just like in XD’s responsive resizing, it usually doesn’t work how you’d expect or in a way that’s useful. So I always liked that you could turn it off.

Currently to stop contents from resizing, you have to press “Command.” By default, it should be the opposite: the frames shouldn’t resize content unless you press “Command.”

Things like bounding boxes for component sets rarely need to resize contents, you just want to make them larger to accommodate more and organize them without encroaching on other frames.
