Much like sketch, sometimes I just don’t want anything to happen when resizing a Frame/art board. Usually this is a length issue and I just want to drag it down.
Sometimes the user doesn’t want to assign full responsiveness/layout to components/objects at the start.
Not having this can also be harmful to beginners who also have to go figure out all of auto layout/responsiveness. They don’t have the option to work/start without it.
This “adjust content on resize” functionality can be turned off in sketch, Just looking for the same.
It’s also a massive PITA, to go back have to check every object for size/resize because you didn’t even notice/forgot that you resized a few pixels, and now everything is off by 4.6 pixels for example.
The default behaviour should be OFF, as typically users will setup a page/component before getting into responsive/interaction. This way, there’s no accidental sizing issues as mentioned above. This happens in sketch still, because they have resizing ON as the default.
Thanks for the consideration.