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Currently, the preview is locked to whatever dimension the design is (if your design is 1440, the prototype/preview will always bee 1440). This is fine if you’re designing for mobile, where the dimensions are largely fixed; however, it’s a nightmare for Web. Especially if you need to send the design for user testing or stakeholder feedback. If their screen dimensions are not exactly the same as the design, they won’t see an accurate representation.

The preview should be ADAPTIVE to the design’s constraints and layout behavior, or else what’s the point? Framer does this beautifully and has different preview options to allow for this.

Quick Note: This is NOT the same as ‘Responsive’ preview, where the design changes as you change the screen size.

Hey guys,

im new to Figma and I am currently playing around with the auto layout features.

In the Project window where I do all the design and prototyping everything changes how I wanted to (The header expands itself when the window gets bigger for example).

I am designing on a 1440px screen width and I wanted to preview the screen on a MacBook Pro 14" Device (1512px width). Is it possible to change any settings that my screen scales to the width of the selected device?

I searched in the community and on google to get an answer to that but couldnt find anything 😦

Many thank 🙏🏼


Needs !

Please check this

This is now possible: Figma product news & release notes

I have recently tried to use the Preview window for quick prototyping tasks.

Since I usually work with very tall frames, especially for mobile websites, the preview window’s height becomes too tall and therefore doesn’t give me the proper experience of a mobile phone or a normal-sized browser window.

Right now, I can only resize the preview window by manually dragging its upper edge. For tall pages, it’s a hassle to resize the window height that way.

The Preview window has a couple of options to work with such as Fit Width, Responsive, Resize window to 100%, and Reset Aspect Ratio. None of those options really help me I’m afraid. I also know that I can use one of the Prototype Devices but that becomes a problem if I mix mobile, tablet and desktop frames on the same Figma Page.

I want to be able to quickly adjust the height of a preview window. For example by resizing the window either by width only or fit to the height of the screen or by being able to set a height manually via a form field.
